Monday 12 March 2012

Limerick conference: Crisis, Austerity and Resistance

Call for Papers

The Limerick Marxism Reading Group holds its second conference on April 25-26 2012 at the University of Limerick. The event aims to facilitate the open development of left perspectives on the ongoing economic crisis. The transfer of public funds to banks, bondholders, speculators and developers has generated anger and protest, but as yet there has been little in the way of mass resistance. This years’ conference has been organised with the view to encouraging the development and dissemination of coherent left perspectives on all related issues, and a comradely environment for considering the possibilities for the development of a broad-based resistance in the coming years.

Speakers will include:
Kathleen Lynch (TBC), Andy Storey, Connor McCabe, Lee F. Monaghan, Kieran Allen, Helena Sheehan, Tom Turner, Terrence McDonough, Michael Taft, Marnie Holborow, Henry Silke and Tom O’Connor

Additional papers/talks relating to the following themes are particularly welcome:

• Ongoing campaigns and current forms of resistance
• The role of the media in the current crisis
• The gendered impact of austerity
• Historical perspectives
• The role of trade unions
• Prospects for left unity

Deadline for abstracts: March 30, 2012.

All proposals to be sent to

Papers/talks from activists are particularly welcome.

Proposals should include: Title, presenter's name and contact information, institution or other affiliation (if any), research interests, a short 50 word biography and a brief abstract (no more than 500 words)

The conference is kindly sponsored by the Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP), the Institute for the Study of Knowledge in Society (ISKS), the Department of Sociology, Department of History, and the Department of Personnel and Employment Relations, University of Limerick.