Monday, 9 September 2013

Some upcoming events

Advance notice of some events which may be of interest...

Friday, Sept 20, 6.30 pm, Clerys pub, Amiens St. Terry Fagan, oral historian and community organiser. Book launch for Dublin Tenements.

Thursday, Sept 26, 1 pm, John Hume 5, NUIM. "How the militant Quebec student movement defeated fees". Vanessa Vela, feminist student organiser. Full details to follow.

Thursday, Sept 26, 7 pm, TCD."Forgotten but not gone: recognising Ireland's Buddhist heritage in colonial Asia". Prof. Brian Bocking, UCC. Book launch for Buddhism and Ireland hosted by TCD MPhil in Race, Ethnicity, Conflict. Full details here.

Tuesday, Oct 8, 7 pm, Teachers Club. "Marxism and social movements". Colin Barker, Manchester Metropolitan University. Public talk and book launch for Marxism and social movements. Full details here.

Friday, Dec 6, TCD. "International solidarity: practices, problems, possibilities". One-day conference; keynote speaker is Peter Waterman (Networked Unionism, Democracia Global, World Social Forum, Interface journal).Full details to follow.