Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Interesting book launch

Not quite our usual fare, but definitely interesting: this book contrasts Irish primary school teachers with German mainstream school teachers and those in the well-established anarchist free school movement. Quite a read!

Book Launch

Robert Hamm

Negotiating Legitimacy - Rituals and Reflection in Schools

Thursday, 6th of March
5.30 p.m.
IT Sligo - Library - Social Zone

This is to inform you about the upcoming launch of my book on 'Rituals and Reflection in Schools'. I would be delighted to welcome you to the launch on Thursday, 6th of March, 5.30 at the library in the IT Sligo. The launch will be a very informal event.

The book has been published on the basis of my research project on reflection processes of primary school teachers. The research was carried out between 2011 and 2013 and there has been an abundance of material collected during the project. In the book I have condensed certain elements of the research:

- a comprehensive overview on theory of rituals in school,
- the suggestion to ask questions not of rituals, but of the actors in rituals,
- the importance to understand reflection as a social act and negotiation of legitimacy of defining, articulating and shaping reality,
- the problem of critically reflecting on ritual practices in institutional contexts,
- the need for critical questions as a route to consciously enacting alternatives.
There is also a webpage set up where you can find further information on the book and the research: