Tuesday, 20 January 2015

John Holloway seminar "Think hope, think crisis" (April)

The MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism is delighted to announce the details of John Holloway's public seminar, rescheduled from October. We think this will be of interest to many activists and campaigners for social justice and transformation.

John Holloway seminar
"Think Hope, Think Crisis"

Monday - Tuesday, April 13th and 14th, 10 am - 5 pm
NUI Maynooth

Can we still hope that there can be a radical transformation of society? How does the present capitalist crisis relate to the possibility of hope? Crisis seems to kill hope, yet the crisis of the system must be a central concept of social transformation. How do we re-learn hope, re-learn crisis?

John Holloway is a Professor of Sociology at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades in the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico and Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of Rhodes, South Africa. He has published widely on Marxist theory, on the Zapatista movement and on the new forms of anti-capitalist struggle. His books Change the World without taking Power (Pluto, London, 2002, new edition 2010) and Crack Capitalism (Pluto, London, 2010), have stirred international debate and have been widely translated.

The seminar is free but we ask participants to come for both days and read a short (20-page) text in advance so that everyone will get as much as possible out of the event.

To register, please email laurence.cox AT nuim.ie and we will set aside a place for you and send details of the location and reading. Do please feel free to pass on this invite to others you feel may be interested.

Event organised by the MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism.
Thanks to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Maynooth for financial support.